Electrical damage from this accident can be and will be a nightmare if not found and corrected during the repairs. Often we don't see electrical damage after a collision because most of the vehicles come with a plastic type conduit insulation around the cluster of wires. Remember I said see, you can't see the damage because all the wires are inside the factory plastic conduit BUT GUESS WHAT? Yep we have cut and smashed wires. Its very important to do a little investigating if you see a factory conduit compromised in anyway. To go back and trace and repair these wires after the vehicle has been put together can be enough to make you ( well I'll be nice and say pretty upset). We remove the factory electrical tape and pulled the wire cluster through the plastic conduit exposing the many damaged wires. In classes that I've attended in the past, recommend a repair using what we call butt connectors. Butt connectors are great in some repairs, but not here. We like to use old fashion solder. We will strip our wires and run a piece of heat shrink up one side and twist and solder our wire, fold it over and run back our heat shrink and use a butane torch to heat our shrink. Now its totally sealed against the environment and strong. Now we don't have to worry about corrosion or any butt connector coming loose. Once we complete the repairs we will wrap with electrical tape and secure back in it original plastic conduit. Oh, and guess what? When we do our final light check, I bet they all work.