Thursday, April 1, 2010

Candy Paint

An often asked question. What is Candy paint? How does it work?
I bet you have heard the word candy apple red many times. Just what does candy apple red mean? Candy painting is so sweet, if you have a hunger for the WOW factor candy might be your answer. One of the hardest to match and one of the most expensive paints on the market. I will try to make it simple.
Candy paint is a illusion created by two differant colors. #1 you have a base color like a bright gold or bright silver that is sprayed as the base coat. I like to call this the KICKER coat.#2 The actual color coat like our red is a special blend red using transparent toners and binders. The color coat, yes its red but you see right through it down to the KICKER coat. You can put 12 coats on a panel and still see through it. The transparency of the color coat in conjuction with your KICKER color creates a illusion that leaves you thinking its 6 inches thick and the color is so vivid you just stand back in the sunlight and say WOW! The final stage is of course your clear coat. The clear coat brings it all together and helps give it the glass look and helps with the reflection in the sunlight. One of my favorite candy is the Wineberry. A deep dark maroon that looks deep and rich.